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Pregnant belly


Antenatal Physiotherapy

The Pregnancy MOT is a specially designed women’s health assessment for those going through pregnancy, from your 12 week scan onwards, to guide you to exercise safely during pregnancy, help manage any back, groin or hip pain and help you prepare for birth (whether you are planning a vaginal or c-section birth).

This is suitable for women with symptoms as above, or for women who want a check-up with advice and preventative information. 


The assessment will include:

  • Assessment of your posture and joints

  • A comprehensive internal and external vaginal assessment of your pelvic floor muscles, including guidance on how to correctly contract and relax them

  • Assessment and treatment of any hip, pelvic, coccyx or back pain


Following this you will receive a bespoke treatment plan which will include:

  • Advice on labour, and help preparing your pelvic floor and pelvis for delivery

  • Advice on perineal massage

  • Advice on how to exercise safely during pregnancy and how to minimise tummy separation (diastasis recti)

  • Postpartum tips to help kick start your safe recovery postnatally until your 6 week check up (The Mummy MOT)


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